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Tribal Unity - The Book

Em Campbell-Pretty
Oct 30, 2016

Some of you may have noticed my blog has been a little quiet this year.  One reason is that I have been busy writing my first book - Tribal Unity: Getting From Teams to Tribes by Creating a One Team Culture. At some point, I will blog about my agile book writing experience. Today, however, it is time to celebrate. This week, on the 27th of October, to be exact, my book went live on Amazon, and Agile Denver threw me a launch party!

Me introducing Tribal Unity to Agile Denver
The Agile Denver Tribe
Me unboxing the very first box of books.
Me proving to Michel Stump that the books aren't printed in white ink!

It was an amazing night. I would like to give a huge shout-out to  Lynn Winterboer and Chuck Durfee for arranging the event.

So far, the book is selling well, topping the Amazon Hot New Release charts, and I received my first 5-star review! 🙂

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