
Mui Do


Thank you for the very engaging and thorough training Em Campbell-Pretty and Pretty Agile

Thanks to PrettyAgile for a well facilitated 3 day course! #releasetrainengineer 

A big thank you to Pretty Agile, this was a fantastic course and well delivered. The inclusion of #TribalUnity was fantastic and added a valuable extra dimension to our learning experience!

Thank you Em Campbell-Pretty & Adrienne Wilson and all my newly met colleagues for such a wonderful learning experience!

#RTE certification

Thank you so so much Em Campbell-Pretty [and] Pretty Agile. Highly recommended team.

Thank you Em Campbell-Pretty, thank you Pretty Agile for the great course and guidance! #safeagile #safecommunity

Way to end 2021!

SAFe certified Release Train Engineer.

Thanks Em Campbell-Pretty and Pretty Agile for an engaging and intense session!

It was a great 3 days spent with like minded RTE's and get insights on everyday challenges and discussions on how to handle them. Thanks again Em Campbell-Pretty and everyone @ Pretty Agile

Huge THANKS to Em Campbell-Pretty, the Pretty Agile and my fellow attendees for the 3-jampacked days of fun learning! 

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